You can assess the quality of an Esthetician’s training, knowledge, and expertise by way of his or her intake process. So if there is no intake process, well, that’s just a huge red flag.
(Note: I am going to use the pronoun "her" but this applies to men, women, etc.)
As Estheticians, our ammunition is our training and the endless opportunities for continuing education. Anyone who has ever had a facial by a really well-trained and licensed Esthetician knows that our intake...
This is the question I have been asked most frequently over the years when I am speaking at a trade show. It may appear to be the obvious question for Estheticians trying to build their esthetics business, but it is not the question that will lead an Esthetician to financial success.
To answer the "How do I acquire new clients?" question, here's a simple answer: Give your services away for free. You know people will show up And they will likely keep coming back for more free stuff. But...
There is a message in the Barbie movie that I think Estheticians should hear. Whether or not the message resonates with you may depend on your age and gender, but the point is that it might help you understand -- and therefore better serve -- many of your female clients.
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