Diane's Blog

Esthetician Adventure: Working at Luxury Country Club

Aug 13, 2024

Are you working too hard and therefore suffering from burnout? Or are you just plain bored with your esthetics career? Well, I have struggled with both of those scenarios. I have been in the esthetics business for 25 years, and I feel like I've done everything there is for me to do in this business. And then this happened...


I ran away from home. Here's the story:  

When I was offered the position at The Club at Morningside in Rancho Mirage, my immediate reaction was “No...

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10 Lessons Happy Women have Learned

Nov 13, 2022


I have just returned from a couple of glorious weeks at my favorite place in the world, the island of Kauai. It is the place where I can settle my energy and do all the things I know are good for me. For example, I ground myself by regularly taking my shoes off and walking barefoot in the sand, the ocean and the grass. (If you have read my book The Heart of Estheticsyou know how important grounding is.)

I meditate, I talk to the egrets and chickens that I frequently encounter,...

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Feeling good about 2022!

Jan 01, 2022


Well, it is officially the first day of a new year. We've been through a lot the last couple of years, however I choose to remain optimistic and hopeful simply because it feels better than the alternative. I am prepared to deal with whatever comes, of course...but for now, I'm feeling good about 2022.  

Today I am going to share with you two excerpts from my book "Notes from Your Fairy Godmother." This is a little book I created a few years ago which is not intended to be a...

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